Work in progress; does not compile!
Moved script registration function to static gamedll libs instead, and used a pointer callback approach for calling them to avoid duplicate symbols during linkage.
Find regex pattern:
inline auto ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) = ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.RCast<([a-zA-Z0-9_:<>*]+) *\(\*\)\(([^)]*)\)>\(\);
Replace regex pattern:
inline $3(*$1)($4);
This commit also removes the unnecessary initialization (which was required to type the auto variables),
and therefore removed 6kb of unnecessary dynamic initialization code.
Properly decouple squirrel and game code. This makes it easier to reverse engineer more of this squirrel system, and to compile them as individual libraries later on when moving to CMake to significantly decrease compile times.