navmesh_draw_portal > -1 enables the overlay, with this cvar you can also shift through tiles.
navmesh_debug_type [0 - 4] selects the NavMesh (small, med_short, medium, large, extra_large).
navmesh_draw_bvtree > -1 enables the overlay, with this cvar you can also shift through tiles.
navmesh_debug_type [0 - 4] selects the NavMesh (small, med_short, medium, large, extra_large).
* Set reachability table count to 1.
* Don't divide reachability write size by 4.
* Trim off all unused bytes after building reachability table.
* Default cvar 'navmesh_always_reachable' to 0.
AI behavior seems to have improved a bit, they attempt to pathfind better, and if they find a certain route they attempt another route where originally they would become stuck in such situation.
If you build the SDK after this commit, you need to rebuild all navmeshes, else the game would segfault in dtNavMesh::isPolyReachable().
Only OverlayLine_t has a field to determine whether or not to ignore the z-buffer.
Added ConVar 'r_debug_overlay_zbuffer' to allow setting z-buffer for all overlays.
* Added working players/maxplayers fields for master server.
* Fixed popstylevar assert in CBrowser (SetStyleVar and the corresponding PopStyleVar where not within the same scope).
* This will crash due to the string not being allocated with alloc.
Even if the source engine would allocate it, it would use CStdMemAlloc and it would crash anyway.
But it doesn't so we can just leave that out!
VPK's could now be repacked with compression and multiple files. The output is identical to the input as far as currently tested (mp_rr_canyonlands_staging).
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
Add '-nodiscord' and '-nobakedparticles' to launch params for dedicated.
Add hook for 'MemAlloc_Internal()'.
Rename loggers to be more consistent with naming.
Revert omitting frame pointers.
* Fixed bug where the address of g_pStaticPropMgr wasn't properly dereferenced and passed to function via its reference (engine addr).
* Fixed dword dereference.
Problems: engine still culls models improperly.
Fixed rare crash in CMDLCache when buffer itteration returns invalid pointer (not null!) for handle.
Made all variables and functions used by BuildPropStaticFrustumCullMap searched dynamically (these should also work on s0, s1 and s2, they are compared but at the moment untested).
TODO: Fix deref crash properly (see bsplib.cpp l291).
This is mainly for development only and in the event so many models/textures/shaders are missing, the engine would effectively crash otherwise (if some of these aren't disabled).
This ConVar governs the use of encryption on game packets.
Also removed 'net_toggletrace' ConCommand and added 'net_tracePayload' ConVar as we can no longer hook on-demand as we bound the encryption parameter of the function to a ConVar.
* Add ConVar to allow user to set/unset FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ConVar's (default behavior would never be hit without this ConVar).
* Add icons to display the flags of a certain CommandBase.
* Fixed Dear ImGui not displaying images correctly (descriptor needs DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB due to the nature of this game).
* Dynamically obtain buffer sizes of resources taken from modules.
* Light SDK cleanup.
* Renamed 'r5apexsdkd64.dll' to 'gamesdk.dll'.
* Added required dedicated parameters to code instead.
* Bug fixes around CCommandLine class (fixed misaligned VTable indexes).
* SDK now supports being directly launched by the game executable.
The SDK launcher will pass '-launcher' to the game, which indicated its being launched by the launcher. If the game does not receive '-launcher', it assumes its being launched directly from the game executable, which will instead load 'startup_(dedi_)default.cfg'.
The sdk dll's are now added to the game's IAT by their dummy exports allowing for them to be loaded when the exe is loaded (the dll's do everything on init).
* Improve ConVar class (fixed several bugs).
* Hook CEngineAPI::ModInit() and set m_bRestrictServerCommands from there.
* Disable unused ConVar's and purge unused ConCommands in CEngineAPI::ModInit() for dedicated.
* Small relocation of malloc related signatures.
* Dedicated SDK now supports ASLR enabled executables.
* Complete removal of CEngineClient on the dedicated server.
* Complete removal of gHLClient and g_pHLClient on the dedicated server.
* Performance improvements for the dedicated server frame loop.
* ConVar 'CVCallback_t' structure rebuild.
* Reduced overhead throughout SDK.