Valve and Respawn Entertainment forgot a comma in 'g_FieldTypes' causing "FIELD_INTERVAL" and "FIELD_MODELINDEX" to be concatenation. The engine executable patch fixes this problem
The documentation file for all patches applied to 'r5apex.exe' could be found in 'r5dev/resource/patch/r5apex.patch'. This is a text file containing the offset to the patch and its original instructions followed by the new instructions.
The Season 3 versions of the executable deadlock when threaded bone setup has been enabled on the client while the listen server has ran at least once during the process lifetime.
Only check if FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY or FCVAR_CHEAT is set and return a blue/red colored checkered texture. Return a rainbow checkered if 3 or more flags are encountered which are not indexed. Return half texture if 2 flags are encountered, but the second bit is not indexed.
Client's can run string commands on the server with no rate limit. This means when you run 50k+ commands that are unknown, or spam 30k 'status' commands, you will be able to hang the server for 800/1200ms (15k/30kms if script printing to console is enabled!). Although the netchan processing budget system will kick you, the damage has already been done at this point. This change effectively breaks the ability to DOS the server from the client using networked string commands.
In easier words; binding 'status' to your mousewheel will get you kicked from the server, without hitching the server.
Implement net message process budget (channel gets removed if value is exceeded).
Use 'net_processLimit' to enable the implementation on the server. It will get enabled by default after testing and some cleanup. This helps against people trying to slow the server down by spamming net messages with a higher rate, e.g. using 'bind "mousewheel_up" "status"'.