Also reversed one new method: IEngine::GetPlaylistCount (gets the number of playlists read from the playlists file, the other 2 unknown methods after this one also do stuff with the playlists, but rather on KeyValues level, one checks if something exists i think, the other returns a const char. Haven't ran these yet).
* Changing RCON passwords on the server now closes all connections and re-initializes the system.
* Fully mapped out VFTable interface for IConVar* (used for ConVar callbacks, see callback.cpp).
* Move AIN/NavMesh debug draw to ai_utility_shared.cpp.
* Use shift index + range for AIN debug draw.
* Added cvar for determining max distance between camera and tile (anything outside this range doesn't get draw).
* Pointer to g_pMemAllocSingleton
* New wrapper for returning the singleton, and creating one if not yet initialized (game shares the same pointer, and is aware of its creation).
CVEngineServer::IsPersistenceAvailable() is inline with Persistence_SetXP in S0 and S1. the virtual function never gets fired.
The approach for S0/S1 will call CVEngineServer::IsPersistenceAvailable() when Persistence_SetXP() is ran (the first function to ever use pClient->m_nPersistenceState after the SendServerInfo query).
* Move render utils to dedicated file.
* Implement more render/mesh utils.
* Added structure for OverlayTriangle_t, OverlaySweptBox_t and OverlayCapsule_t.
OverlayCapsule_t has been modified to accommodate the size in r5 (2 new vectors).
SourceSDK mathlib port with light modifications.
Renamed Vector to Vector3D (to avoid confusion with std::vector (declared as vector) and Vector2D/Vector4D).
Fixed wrong order of 'CCommandLine::ParmValue()' methods. Float overload was first, char const* last.
Added reversed members (confirmed size of 2096 bytes).
The game uses 2 types, CSquirrelVM (mostly exposed to the VScript API of the engine) and HSQUIRRELVM (mostly used for internal squirrel functions like sq_pushbool etc..).
This refactor properly splits the CSquirrelVM* functions from the HSQUIRRELVM (SQVM*) ones. The functions have also been renamed accordingly and the prototypes have been adjusted to use the correct pointer type.
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
* Mostly rebuild CServer structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTable structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTableContainer structure.
* Removed redundant patterns which are now covered in the data structure.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.
Add '-nodiscord' and '-nobakedparticles' to launch params for dedicated.
Add hook for 'MemAlloc_Internal()'.
Rename loggers to be more consistent with naming.
Revert omitting frame pointers.
Show colors on console and use color constant to determine color instead of comparing strings in the console render loop. removed 5 string compares which should once again bump the performance quite a bit. The last string compares will be removed soon
Rare crash when the sqvm tries to look for an animation sequence on a missing prop_dynamic model (mdl/error.rmdl doesn't support animations), its purely to indicate there is a problem).
This is mainly for development only and in the event so many models/textures/shaders are missing, the engine would effectively crash otherwise (if some of these aren't disabled).
In 'datacache/mdlcache.cpp' the function 'CMDLCache::FindMDL' attempts to find 'mdl/error.rmdl' and assigns the studiohdr and handle to the members of CMDLFallback.
In 'CMDLCache::FindUncachedMDL' we check if a model exists, if a model does not exist, we replace the studiohdr with the one of error.rmdl we stored in the CMDLFallback structure.
This does actually work (on the dedicated server it doesn't crash at all!), but on the client it crashes when trying to gather props (right before rendering), setting the ConVar* 'old_gather_props' does interesting things (check IDA around this ConVar*). setting this to 1 causes it to crash in another CMDLCache method when trying to deref something in the global cache pool.
This method is easy to rebuild. I will do this soon and attempt to return error.rmdl parts from here as well if results are null (this might actually just work).
Leaving 'old_gather_props' to 0 causes it to crash in the middle of the function which is supposed to gather the props the 'new' way.
The gather props functions are kind of daunting
NOTE: Currently only confirmed to work somewhat properly on the dedicated server for prop_static. prop_dynamic is unconfirmed. And (almost?) works on the client.
* Added new function to CMemory allowing you to hook a virtual method from a virtual method table.
* Added SVC_Print Class
* Hooked SVC_Print::Process and print the messages the server sends.
*!! Still needs verification for earlier seasons.
* Add ConVar to allow user to set/unset FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ConVar's (default behavior would never be hit without this ConVar).
* Add icons to display the flags of a certain CommandBase.
* Fixed Dear ImGui not displaying images correctly (descriptor needs DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB due to the nature of this game).
* Dynamically obtain buffer sizes of resources taken from modules.
* Light SDK cleanup.
Moved every pattern to IDetour interface. This allows for debugging patterns scans more easily, and create threads during pattern searching (Operation is now fired in APIENTRY).
Also cleaned up some unused code/extraneous comments.
Slightly increased performance by purging duplicate patterns.
Made variable search less dependent from other results (except if pattern-to-scan results is within the same header)
The game doesn't require a CPU with AVX2 instructions, our SDK did because of a mistake (I left this compiler flag in after debugging the SDK, and never removed it).
Bit shift operations use the SHLX instructions instead of the widely supported SHL instructions when this flag is issued.